Kawaijuku Group, one of Japan's largest educational conglomerates, begins research with Singaporean Future of Work company ClassDo to build a new education model
Utilising an AI algorithm that evaluates non-cognitive abilities to optimise individual learning experiences
KEI Advance Co., Ltd., part of the Kawaijuku Group (President: Toshio Yajima, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, hereinafter referred to as KEI Advance), has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with ClassDo Pte. Ltd., a Singaporean Future of Work company (CEO: Chung Chiew Farn, hereinafter referred to as ClassDo), to begin joint research toward a strategic alliance. Utilising the education-related expertise and technology possessed by both companies, we aim to build and promote an education model that is individually optimised for learners.
Background of the Strategic Alliance
In today's rapidly changing society, marked by the COVID-19 pandemic and swift advancements in technology, the ability to identify problems and create solutions is becoming increasingly important. Additionally, as technological innovations are shortening the lifespan of knowledge, there is a growing need for upskilling (updating knowledge) and reskilling (learning new knowledge and skills). Conventional, one-size-fits-all, unilateral education models that aim to acquire traditional knowledge and skills cannot fully address these needs.
In this context, the two leading companies in the education industry have been seeking to achieve a "paradigm shift (innovation) in education" that solves the issues faced by learners and educators and builds a new education model for the new era.
KEI Advance, a member of the Kawaijuku Group, launched the "arsen" project in 2019 to develop an AI-based education model. In collaboration with companies and schools in the education sector, we aim to update the educational experience through individual optimization, and are conducting cutting-edge research and development, including algorithms and AI to optimize the combination of learners (students) and instructors (teachers).
ClassDo, a Singapore-based edtech company, has developed and offers an online classroom "ClassDo" that enables learner-centric participatory classes in a one-stop manner. It is an excellent platform that can smoothly transition from traditional teacher-led unilateral classes to learner-centric participatory classes. At the same time, it has unique online features such as the ability to accumulate a large amount of student learning records.
Combining the technologies and know-how that both companies have cultivated, we have initiated joint research to realize "participatory learning" and "the provision of education opportunities individually optimized for each learner".
Objectives of the Joint Research
The rich learning behavior data owned by ClassDo through its platform will be analyzed by KEI Advance's arsen project and developed into an algorithm to evaluate learners' non-cognitive abilities. By applying this algorithm to the "ClassDo" service, we aim to provide new learning experiences. For example, we envision realizing combinations of instructors and students, or students with each other, that are expected to yield greater learning effects.
Furthermore, by enabling the use of this algorithm in various fields, we will contribute to the construction of a new education model for the new era that realizes autonomous and self-regulated learning, beyond existing models such as group instruction, individual instruction, and uniform curriculum/menu.
Examples of where this AI algorithm could be applied
Academics: Optimization of learning methods in self-study, improving learner performance, choice of teaching methods in individual instruction learning, teacher matching.
Career counseling: Utilization in understanding individual students' characteristics and measures for interviews etc., grasping aspirations and professional matching for guidance and support in job hunting.
Corporate training: Use as evaluation in considering personnel assignments, promoting career development and career education, matching lecturers and learners.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of ICT for instruction, such as online classes, has spread rapidly in Japan. On the other hand, there are still many teaching formats that simply replace traditional classes with digital ones, and we are still at a stage where we need to bring out the potential of ICT.
On the other hand, in Singapore, intermediate tests in elementary and junior high schools will be abolished from 2023, and instead, everyday learning behavior accumulated on learning platforms like "ClassDo" will be used for evaluation, indicating advanced utilization of ICT.
In this joint research, we will construct an algorithm using various data accumulated through educational activities by "ClassDo". By applying this algorithm to education platforms including "ClassDo", we aim to develop an education model that creates further learning experiences. Through the use of this education model, both companies will contribute to education in Japan and around the world.
"ClassDo" image (1) "Participatory" : There are various ways to participate in classes according to learning objectives, not one-sided lectures.

"ClassDo" image (2) "Personalisation" Even in class, optimization is done so that individual instruction according to understanding can be done and teaching materials suitable for each person can be distributed.

Japanese press release can be found in the link below